Seismic assessment of monuments
The Claudio Aqueduct
The Claudio Aqueduct is the eighth and the most important aqueduct in Rome, Italy. Its construction was began in 38 A.D by Emperor Caligula and completed in 52 A.D by Emperor Claudius, after whose it was named. At its functioning time the aqueduct was along the route of about 68.5 km, starting from nearby mountains […]
Researchers: Gianmarco de Felice   Anna Mordanova  
Structural assessment of Dolmen of Sa Coveccada, Mores, Sardinia
Overview Dolmens are megalithic sepulchral constructions formed by vertical stone blocks supporting horizontal cap-stones. These archaeological monuments, which have been built 5000-6000 years ago, can still be admired in several Countries worldwide and provide precious information on Neolithic populations. The Dolmen of Sa Coveccada is located near Mores, Sardinia, Italy. It dates back to […]
Researchers: Stefano De Santis