Open access pubblication “Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: Shake table test and numerical modelling”


The paper titled “Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: Shake table test and numerical modelling” by Gianmarco de Felice, Domenico Liberatore, Stefano De Santis, Francesca Gobbin, Ivan Roselli, Marialuigia Sangirardi, Omar AlShawa and Luigi Sorrentino is online on the website of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.

The paper is an open access pubblication and can be downloaded from the following link.

The full citation is:
de Felice G, Liberatore D, De Santis S, Gobbin F, Roselli I, Sangirardi M, AlShawa O, Sorrentino L.
Seismic behaviour of rubble masonry: shake table test and numerical modelling.
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2022;51(5):1245:1266.
DOI: 10.1002/eqe.3613.