Stefano De Santis

Associate Professor



Studenti di Strutture Speciali / Students of Special Structures
Lunedì ore 13:00 aula N3 / Monday 1pm Room N3

Studenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni / Students of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures
Tesisti triennali e magistrali / BSc and MSc candidates
Su appuntamento / by appointment
Piattaforma MS Teams / via MS Teams

Stefano De Santis is Associate Professor in Structural Engineering (SSD CEAR-07/A, Tecnica delle Costruzioni) at the Department of Civil, Computer and Aeronautical Engineering of Roma Tre University, in Rome, Italy. He is a member of the Structures Research Group, of the Scientific Board of the PhD School in Civil Engineering, and appointed teacher for the Courses of Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures (Tecnica delle Costruzioni, BSc course) and of Special Structures (Strutture Speciali, MSc course). He got his BSc, MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering at Roma Tre University. Before getting his current position, he was a post-doc research assistant at the University of the West of England (UWE) at Bristol, UK (2012), and at Roma Tre University (2013-2017), researcher (RTD/A, 2018-2019) and tenured researcher (RTD/B, 2019-2022) at Roma Tre University. He got the National Sciantific Abilitation (ASN) as Full Professor in 2024.


Stefano’s scientific interests and expertise include laboratory and field testing of traditional and innovative materials and of full-scale structural members (both unreinforced and reinforced) under static and dynamic/seismic loading, rehabilitation and strengthening of structures with composites, seismic assessment of existing constructions including bridges and cultural/architectural heritage, analytical/numerical modelling, testing methods and acceptance criteria for composite materials, innovative measurement techniques for laboratory testing, and structural health monitoring and condition assessment.

On these topics, Stefano coordinated scientific activities involving research and industrial partners and is author of about 70 scientific publications including papers in International Journals, conference proceedings, and a book on masonry arch bridges based on his PhD Thesis, which was awarded a Special Mention at the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize (10th edition, 2012). He presented his works in national and international conferences and has been invited to give lectures and seminars. Stefano is review editor for the section on Structural Materials included in the International Journals Frontiers in Materials and Frontiers in Built Environments and member of the scientific committee of International Conferences. He has been supervisor of about 40 PhD and MSc Theses.


In February 2017, Stefano was Visiting Researcher at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of the University of Sheffield, with a Short Term Scientific Mission grant awarded by the Cost Action TU1207. In October 2016, Stefano was visiting researcher at the University of Miami, within the Science and Technology Cooperation Project “Composites with inorganic matrix for sustainable strengthening of architectural heritage”.

Stefano is (or has recently been) involved in International Research Projects and is member of Technical Committees, including the RILEM TCs 292-MCC, 290-IMC, 250-CSM, and 223-MSC, the ASTM D30 Committee, the COST Action TU1207, and the UIC Research Group on Masonry Arch Bridges. Stefano is member of standardization boards, including the ACI 549-0L Committee “Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Masonry Structures”, the CNR Committees for the development of design recommendations for externally bonded reinforcements with FRCM composites (CNR DT-215/2018) and for FRP composites (CNR-DT 200 R2/2024) and the Committee “Guidelines for the desing, construction and acceptance testing of FRCM structural reinforcements” (Commissione Relatrice del CSLLPP “Linee Guida per la progettazione, l’esecuzione e il collaudo di interventi di rinforzo strutturale tramite l’impego di FRCM”).

In October 2023, Stefano was listed in Stanford World’s top 2% most influential scientists.


Useful links and documents

Vademecum BSc Dissertations – Vademecum Tesi Triennali

Vademecum MSc Dissertations – Vademecum Tesi Magistrali


Research & projects